(Note: This column is from April 7, 2010, when I was on the front-side of 60. Now that I’m on the backside of 60, my opinion on this subject hasn’t changed.)
your car to the man with the Texaco star,” was the motto. Even though I was just 12 years old, I had
the star on my starched uniform, and that meant folks were expected to trust
me, too, at Pope’s Texaco on U.S. 301 North in Jesup.
And bless Cora
Pope’s heart, she didn’t need a computerized cash register to tell how much
change she owed her customers. One of my
first training exercises was how to handle money. And if I had substituted “no problem” for “you
are welcome,” I would have been sent to scrub the restrooms, again and again,
until I learned better manners.
Mrs. Pope handled
money the old-fashioned way. She counted
it aloud into her patron’s hand. And you
never put his money into the drawer until he nodded or said, “That’s right.” When’s the last time a sales clerk counted
your money as he placed it into your hand?
Better yet, how many times are you handed change and a receipt while the clerk is talking over his shoulder to someone else or yakking on the phone? No eye contact. No thank you. And Lord help you if the power blinks and the electronic cash register dies. The simple money exchange becomes Mission Impossible.
Better yet, how many times are you handed change and a receipt while the clerk is talking over his shoulder to someone else or yakking on the phone? No eye contact. No thank you. And Lord help you if the power blinks and the electronic cash register dies. The simple money exchange becomes Mission Impossible.
Remember when the
electronic calculator appeared? In the
early 1970s, we sold them in our office supply store for two or three hundred
dollars. Now you get them for free in
the mail. But ask someone to do a little
figuring. If he doesn’t have a
calculator to do the thinking, you may never get the answer. And he looks at you as if you just asked him
to scale Mount Everest, barefoot.
Back in the
Pope’s Texaco era, did you ever listen to Gloria Strickland run an adding
machine at Wayne State Bank? A Gatlin
gun couldn’t have fired any faster.
Every generation
gets a little more exposed to new technology and information, so we should be
getting smarter, don’t you think?
Probably. But when I ordered a
dozen donuts, the counter person turned to her associate and asked, “Is 12 a dozen?”
Have we gotten so
dependent on gadgets that we can’t think for ourselves?
I am a fan of Global
Positioning Systems, but they aren’t perfect.
You still need to be savvy or you might get sent around your elbow to
get to your backside. With a GPS in my
dashboard and one on my cell phone, I still don’t leave home without an
assortment of maps. The battery never
fails on the paper directions. But when
was the last time you saw someone younger than 40 pull a map out of his glove
I am not a Gadget
Guy, but I work hard not to be too curmudgeonly. That’s why I sample new stuff. I read a few books, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the New York Times on my
electronic reader, a Kindle. I like the
real thing better, but I’m game.
Now, I’ve stepped
into the deep waters of the technozone, experimenting with the latest
touch-screen phone with enough applications to do everything except preach Cora
Pope’s sermons on customer service.
I’m not from the Nintendo Generation, so it takes me a while to grasp this gadgetry. That’s why one of my daily prayers is: “Lord, please give me patience…and I need it right now.”
I’m not from the Nintendo Generation, so it takes me a while to grasp this gadgetry. That’s why one of my daily prayers is: “Lord, please give me patience…and I need it right now.”