By The Rev. Dr. Felix Haynes

I served as pastor of the Port Royal Baptist Church during my seminary days in
Louisville, Tanya Berry, Wendell’s wife, arranged for me to share memories from a biblical generation ago during the morning worship. Following the worship, we were treated to a
potluck fellowship meal. The poignant
encounters with friends and the walk down memory lane were enriching blessings
of hallowed recollections. Two Georgia
boys received red-carpet treatment in the Kentucky bluegrass country, and that
will be forever etched in my mind and heart as a red-letter day!
the early afternoon we were off to the Berry home, nestled in an idyllic glen
of mostly maple trees. The renovated, old two-story farmhouse stood at the foot
of the hill, and from the front porch was a picturesque view of the Kentucky
River, which ambled along the Berry farm. You could sense a bit of Daniel
Boone’s spirit and a touch of Thoreau’s Walden.
ambiance seemed conducive to produce the powerful and life-shaping thoughts
that have flowed from Wendell Berry’s pen.
Inside the rustic elegance of this house were conspicuous shelves of
books in every room, heart pine and walnut woods, no television, and an
environment unspoiled, which provided a touch of heaven.
sat for a while around the round oak kitchen table with Tanya, catching the
spirit of this devoted helpmeet and reflecting on the journey of this unique
couple. Then, Wendell entered through
the back kitchen door. The anticipated
and longed-for encounter was about to occur.
We received a warm and gracious welcome.
Wendell’s demeanor was calm and gentle, and you could sense the presence
of a seer, a prophetic aura steeped into the poet-author. As the ensuing conversation and dialogue
unfolded, I knew we were on Holy Ground.
The exchange was void of pious clichés and superficial, wasted words.
The deep called out unto the deep.
watched and listened as two men of wise words shared insights on the
stewardship of God’s good Earth. I sensed Rachel Carson was leaning over the
balcony of heaven saying, “Amen. Say no to coal ash in Wayne County!” The two men, passionate and committed to
ethical ecology, invaded each other’s souls with a depth of dialogue that
fueled each of them to a deeper calling to help carry a message to protect
God’s created world. Iron sharpens iron!
And I had a front-row seat to see that happen! I was nurtured and inspired to
do better with the message entrusted to me as a part of my calling. The stories
and insight, shared with such fine articulation, could produce a myriad of
informative essays.
have pondered and reflected on the essence of what occurred around that oak
table. The conclusion I reached has to do with the power of community, real
koinonia (common life)! Wendell had obviously read all the previous articles
written by Dink and Janisse Ray. This conversation was about the intentional
devotion to the betterment of community through solid communication. Then I saw the pulsating power of the prophet
assert itself! The blue eyes of Berry sparkled, and the vocal intonations
became very animated. He leaned toward NeSmith and said: “You are doing it with your newspaper and the
excellent communication. You are doing it through events. … You are creating
awareness of truths that matter. ... Keep stirring the conversation. ... Don’t
stop! (He had earlier reminded Dink that David did slay Goliath.) This is what
matters …” He tacitly paid the newspaper man a high compliment.
the scripture calls us “to have dominion over the Earth,” the spotlight falls
on man to make a better world. This is a
call for people to manage ALL of God’s creation with greater responsibility.
“No clever arrangement of bad eggs makes a good omelet.” The matter of how we
handle coal ash—or ANYTHING else that harms our world—must be confronted,
guarded, and guided by community. The
goal is not capitalistic benefit; it is community welfare. The five most important words are these: IT
prepared to leave. I walked down the
hill ahead of Dink. He was still snapping the camera and chatting with Tanya.
When I started to get into the car, unaware to me, Wendell had followed. He
looked at me and said: “This was really good … and I am sorry about the passing
of your beloved Miriam ... and remember, you’ll get her back again—whole!” What
a comforting benediction to me from this seer!
takes care of our loved ones! He wants us to take care of His world. And that
is a very good deal!