None of us was around in
1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt used his iconic monocle to squint 121
years into the future. Just imagine if he hadn’t. How many millions of pristine
acres would have been decimated, thus robbing generations of Americans of the
awe and wonder that our national parks provide?
After moving into the White House, Teddy flexed his
muscles to create 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, four national
game preserves and the first five national parks. Add to that 18 national
monuments spread over 230 million acres of public land.
I repeat: “What if President Roosevelt hadn’t had the
vision to peer beyond the early days of the 20th century?” The
swashbuckling leader thought big, really big. Today the national parks
system encompasses 423 units, scattered over 85 million acres in all 50 states;
Washington, D.C.; and U.S. territories.
Our 26th president is remembered for many of
his sayings. “Speak softly and carry a big stick” is just one. I
like this: “The nation behaves well if it treats its natural resources as
assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased, and not impaired,
in value.”
Here in Georgia, we have three governmental bodies that
are entrusted with our natural resources: the Georgia Department of Natural
Resources (DNR) and the two General Assembly committees. The House and Senate each
have a committee on natural resources and the environment. And don’t forget
that under the DNR’s umbrella is Georgia’s Environmental Protection Division
(EPD). That makes four should-be “watchdogs.”
Now, enter the controversy over the major titanium-mining
operation—proposed by Twin Pines of Alabama—on the lip of the Okefenokee
National Wildlife Refuge. It’s been a political football, punted to Washington
and back to Atlanta, and none of our Georgia watchdogs has done so much as
offer a yip to protect what cannot be replaced.
Well, I take some of that back. In the 2022 session, a widely supported bill was introduced that could have protected the Okefenokee. Without discussion or a vote, Rep. Lynn Smith (R-Newnan), chair of the House committee on natural resources and environment, killed the proposed bipartisan legislation.
Between Sept. 6 and 8, 2022,
Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy Inc. of Jacksonville conducted a poll by contacting—live
on the telephone—625 registered Georgia voters statewide. Seven questions
concerning the proposed mining near the Okefenokee Swamp were asked. We chose
one for illustration. Responses to all questions were overwhelmingly in support
of protecting the Okefenokee.
Note: Using question about the bill that was killed … sponsored by 18 legislators. |
If the DNR,
the EPD or the General Assembly doesn’t have the foresight and gumption that
Teddy had, who in Heaven’s name will? Teddy admonished, “Do what you can,
with what you have, where you are.”
The Okefenokee Swamp is a natural wonder. You can’t go to
a big box or click online and order another. Why, oh, why would we risk
destroying something that is bona fide irreplaceable? There’s a one-word
answer: money. Twin Pines is pouring massive amounts of money into
lobbying its case in Charlton County, Atlanta and Washington.
Twin Pines intends to make millions from the pillaging of Trail Ridge along the
Okefenokee boundary. But who’s listening to the damning science of the questionable
venture? Apparently, no one in the right decision-making spots is willing to
step up and say, “No, and hell no!”
impoverished Charlton County needs jobs and an expanded tax base. I get that.
Georgia has one of the most powerful economic development teams in America,
maybe the best. So, Atlanta, why not find an alternative to help our Folkston
friends without doing irreparable harm to the Okefenokee?
let’s go back to Theodore Roosevelt.
If the
Rough Rider were standing under the Gold Dome, would he be speaking softly?
But for
sure, he’d be using his big stick to tap some common sense into the guardians
of our natural resources, who could and should protect Georgia’s
Okefenokee Swamp.